



“Norway is similar to Hokkaido in the sense that snow accumulates all the way down to the beach. Local Snowsurfers would load their car up with boards for the ocean and the mountain. The true essence that seemed to have been extinct in the mainstream realm of snowboarding, was well alive in Scandinavia, just as it ha been in Japan. “

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“Surfing and snowboarding have existed in unity within myself for a long time.“


Snowboarding was born as Snowsurfin at the first place. I belive it started with a few surfers trying to surf on snow. There are various views on where snowboarding originates. Some says it started as a hunter's tool to move around in the snow, wich I certainly don't disagree with, but when comparing a single board to a pair of skis, as a mean of transport, the efficiency not quite the same. Maybye hunters used to carry heavy loads of game on it, and when they didn't have anything to carry, it's easy to imagine that they would use it as a sled to ride down the slopes. Probobly some of them had tried to stand up ride one of this sleds. Sledsare sleds and their main purpose was a mean to transport cargo. I think snowboarding's real nature is the Fun, Joy and a way to express oneself, not a practical solutution to aid a type of work. Snowboarding was born for pure creativity.

“Snowboarding's real nature is the fun, joy and a way to express oneself, not a practical solutution to aid a type of work. Snowboarding was born for pure creativity.”

Puttin the question of wich is better than the other aside, the difference between skis, a livelihood tool turned into leisure, and snowboards, born as a tool of self-expression, are quite fundamental and what sets those two snow gliding equipment apart..

For me, when I boil it all down, snowsurfin style is the ultimate form of snowboarding. Snowsurfing is not just a style, but the essence and the origin of snowboarding.

In so called year 2018, I lived in Hokkaido, that is part of a country called Japan. The reason I live here, is because it’s a paradise for me. It’s a place where you can find powder snow at your doorstep in winter, and that has surf relative nearby all year round. Whether it’s a great wave or not for surfing will depend on evryone’s point of view, but having not much competitio, due to it’s low water temperature makes it easier to have a purer relationship with the waves.

In this small, but great world, durin my long but short life, I went to various places with various snow, slopes and peolple to seek in hopes to find the real meaing of this hypothesis.

“I always thought that the environment and the land makes a strong influence in how culture are born, and this trip confirmed that I was right.”

I have been surfing in various surf spots on earth, and I can say that I am more than content with the waves we have in Hokkaido.

Having said that, I still venture abroad several times a year to sike some kind of answer.

I went on a long awaited trip to Scandinavia this spring. I was curious to see how people, while being the same human beings, growing up in a differnt culture where interpreting snowboarding at their homes. I’m always curious to see what culture to find and whether I would find new terrains and snow perfect Snowfurfin.

And I have to say, by the end of this trip, I was truly touched to have experienced what I did.

“Whether it’s a great wave or not for surfing will depend on evryone’s point of view”

I went on a long awaited trip to Scandinavia this spring. I was curious to see how people, while being the same human beings, growing up in a differnt culture where interpreting snowboarding at their homes. I’m always curious to see what culture to find and whether I would find new terrains and snow perfect Snowfurfing.

In so called year 2018, I lived in Hokkaido, that is part of a country called Japan. The reason I live here, is because it’s a paradise for me. It’s a place where you can find powder snow at your doorstep in winter, and that has surf relative nearby all year round. Whether it’s a great wave or not for surfing will depend on evryone’s point of view, but having not much competition, due to it’s low water temperature makes it easier to have a purer relationship with the waves.

Taro Tamai
Photos : Andrew Miller


Janne Hinkkanen
Alex Yoder
Arata Suzumara
Okada Osamu
Lle Eronen
Taro Tamai

Nordic Surfers Mag Conversations Podcast – Episode 9, Taro Tamai

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